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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sleeping Arrangements with Chance and Blaze

Chance and Blaze in their favorite sleeping spots.

When Blaze came back home and couldn't be put together with Back Dogs, we took turns sleeping with her at night so she wouldn't be alone.  When Chance came back we still couldn't fathom the two of them alone as their abuse was still too fresh for the both of them.  So we continued to take turns sleeping with them. 

We made the dining room into a den/bedroom area, with the famous eaten couch, a mattress (great for the back!) and their window seat.  Now almost two years later, we still continue the routine.  We just don't have the heart to leave let them sleep all by themselves. Or is it more like we don't want to miss sleeping with them??  :) 

Any extreme measures you've taken for the welfare of your pets?


Pup Fan said...

So sweet... we do what we need to do for our furbabies, whether it's staying up with them all night or cuddling in their sleep space. :)

Anonymous said...

They couldn't have come home to a better place :)

Sometimes if Mom gets up in the middle of the night, I take over her pillow and I make myself look real cute and comfy. So when she comes back, she goes down to the end of the bed where I usually sleep Ha Ha Ha :)

Thanks Mom,

The Daily Pip said...

They sure look comfy and cozy!

Your pal, Pip

H Ski said...

They look pretty peaceful. Just from the picture it looks like you have done a good job. Lola love snuggling in the morning. It is hard to say no to the furbabies.

Ellie@STLSeniorDog said...

That's a nice den/bedroom! I won't let my two dogs take a look at it or they may force me in to changing their sleeping accommodations! As PupFan said we do what we have to do to keep our furbabies happy and healthy (physically and mentally) :)

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

I Love when They sleep upside down! They are so Cute! Anything to keep our beloved pets safe!
Have A wonderful weekend!

Chewy said...

They look so comfy!


Peggy Frezon said...

That picture is adorable. They look like they feel happy and secure there.