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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Psychedelic Slumber Party

Last night Chance, Blaze and I couldn't sleep so we had a slumber party.  A psychedelic one. 

 Chance wasn't sure at first if he wanted to join the party.

Slumber parties are for girls.

What, too macho for a slumber party?

Realizing that Blaze was getting ALL the attention, he slowly inched off the couch, resting his head on my chest as I lay on the floor.  Then he couldn't resist any longer and was rolling around on the floor with us.

Belly rubs for everyone! 

We cuddled and everybody got lots of kisses.

Chance and Blaze just started gabbing like a couple of school girls spilling all their secrets.

This is one hell of a slumber party!

Trying to capture the moment,  I accidentally grabbed my special 1970's camera and Chance and Blaze got lost in the colors.

Since I missed the moment and we were all up, it was time for snacks.  Wouldn't be a party if there weren't snack.

How do you like our slumber party look?

After a delicious bacon treat, it was time for all my groovy boys and girls to go to bed.

The End.  


Life With Dogs said...

You are some seriously trippy pooches! :)

24 Paws of Love said...

Yes we are and we are loving it!!

Anonymous said...

Arooooo! Cool slumber party!

Luvin all the cool colors you dyed yourselves!

I'm surprised some sauteed mushrooms weren't on the snack list ;)

Looks like y'all had too much fun,

jen said...

Looks like a great slumber party!
Send some of that stuff this way:)

24 Paws of Love said...

Naw, no mushrooms here, just lots of free love!! Got plenty of that to share!

Lauren M. Davis Folk Art! said...

Awwww cool Pics!!!! That Looks like one fun slumber party!!!! Let me know next you have another one and me and the kitties will come over with some popcorn and sodas!!! hehehe!!!