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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Never say never

If there is one thing I have learned having dogs, it is, never say never.  I never thought that until Blaze and Chance came back to us. If you missed yesterday post, here's another look at it. 

                                                                    Princess Blaze

resting on the throne she created

First of all I need to give credit where credit is due.  Chance also made his contribution to the redesigning of the couch.  This is also the second one they have reconstructed to their liking.  They attacked the first couch  the first day and it wasn't long before it's demise.   

Now I know you are all wondering how these sweet, innocent dogs could be so ruthless and destructive, so let me share.  I have read and seen pictures of these couch massacres and I remember thinking, what were these owners doing or not doing that their dogs would demolish the couch and get away with it.  I have never had any problems with any of my dogs destroying any furniture.  Even with 10 wild puppies I didn't experienced anything like that.  I have seen similar couch mutilation, but never thought it would be in my own home.

When Chance and Blaze came back from their abusive homes they both had high anxiety coupled with their Husky hyperness.  We waited months to put a couch in their room, knowing full well the level of destruction that may occur. Blaze had shredded out our last van and because of this we bought cheap used couches.  The couch destruction would happen when we would leave them alone.  They both had strong abandonment issues and we didn't leave them alone until we felt they were ready in small increments.  This coupled with spending time with the Back Dogs brought on the destruction of the couch.  They were never able to have our full attention and the frustration would built along with their anxiety of trying to get my attention and the jealousy of having to share.

I never thought I would have any of the puppies returned, let alone have them come back abused.  I'm very aware it happens everyday and that we made a commitment to take any of them back.  I think it just blows my mind that it actually happens, all the time.  We were so grateful when we got those two calls to pick up Chance and Blaze.  To actually bring them home and help them heal from the horrible damage that was done and still plagues them sometimes.  If it means losing a couch to have them here with us, it is better than them being hurt and unloved.  A couch is replaceable, Chance and Blaze are not.


Anonymous said...

Chance and Blaze now have very good pawrents! They even perform couch sacrifices to the doGs ;)

My Mom would banish me to my room if I did that. But then I've fortunately never been in an abusive environment.

Sendin wags your way,

24 Paws of Love said...

Thanks Roo! I'm so glad you've never been hurt. That means you have good pawrents too.

House of Carnivores said...

OMG, the couch! Though you are totally right; the couch is replaceable, the dogs are not. You are awesome for taking Chance and Blaze back and working with them.

Hey, I'm still kind of new to the blogging thing, but I HAVE been reading, and want to give you an award, if you'll accept it. http://houseofcarnivores.blogspot.com/

Busy Buttons said...

*sniffles* Poor puppies. At least they're back in a loving home now...

Bocci said...

You are very kind and understanding-so glad you have them both back!
Your buddy,

Pup Fan said...

That's a great way for you to look at it... these pups are very lucky to be back with you!

ForPetsSake said...

Much love to you and tagged you with an award! http://www.arwenspack.blogspot.com/

Life With Dogs said...

That is a scene I recognize far too well. I think about 80% of Lab owners have made similar donations. :)

Emma Rose said...

Chance and Blaze are lucky to have you!

Emma Rose

Unknown said...

I think you're a very wonderful and dedicated person :) All your dogs are very lucky to have you.

24 Paws of Love said...

Thank you for all the heartfelt comments. I think we are even more lucky to have them back. They really are two very precious dogs.

Ellie@STLSeniorDog said...

That is a very nice way to put it, the couch is replaceable but they are not. I am currently fostering a dog that was abused for years and it takes patience and a lot of love. Thank you for taking back in your two lovely dogs and helping them get better.