© 2025 24 Paws of Love

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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Correction

We have a correction that has come to our attention, (by needle sharp claws kneading my thighs) that I must address.  It seems we have been misleading everyone with our "24 PAWS OF LOVE"  blog. A clear understatement.  (staring at bloody legs).   

The correction:  We actually have 32 Paws and 2 webbed feet in our household.

We are apologize for leading any one astray or grievances this may have caused.  Without further ado, Here is Boxer, Princess Leia and Luigi.  (OK, Boxer, you can get off my legs now!)

Boxer and Fiona  (Mom just had to get the dog in there)

Princess Leia, the She-Warrior
Princess Leia and Boxer
Indoor cats, hmph!  Who ever came up with that lame brain idea??


Look at what a stud I am. 


Lauren M. Davis Folk Art! said...

Awww Adorable photos!!!! Thanks so much for sharing the rest of the family with us!!!! They are all precious!!! I look forward to hearing more about the whole gang!!!! ~Hugs~

Unknown said...

Hi Everyone,
we really really enjoyed catching up on your touching posts.
It is very endearing indeed to see a Dawg or any four legged friend for that matter react to your touch and hugs and voice with trust and love.
They know and they understand and they accept so much...it is very heartrending when you think of some innocent doggy soul getting abused in whatever way.
we are so glad your lovely furiends have such a loving home.
Blaze and Zappa were ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE as puppies! of course they are so very handsome now.
isn't it nice they get to stay together?
wags n love,
Buddy and ginger and Mummy

ForPetsSake said...

Wow! Great pics - Luigi IS a stud ;) Check out my blog if you get a chance http://www.arwenspack.blogspot.com/