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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, July 2, 2010

Today with the Back Dogs

Back Dogs Fiona, Silver, and Zappa on the squirrel hunt

With the dogs being separate, I try to spend my time between the two groups as equally as possible.  There are many days that I tend to gravitate more toward one group or the other.  The days I'm more down and in need of gratitude, I find myself spending more time with the Front Dogs.  They are uplifting, energetic, and have a high and gracious spirit about them.  Since they both know what life can be like on the other side (abuse and neglect) they always seem more appreciative with a gratitude for life.  They always help me remember how precious and wonderful life can be, because they know the ugly side of life.

  Back Dogs Brut and Zappa studies trees for run away squirrels

Today though I found myself needing the security and stability of the Back Dogs.  Theses four have been with us from the time we pick them up or were born and have lived with the security of love and being taken care of.  There is a sense of maturity and relaxation, whereas the Front Dogs can be more hyper and anxious and sometimes can be a bit much when I'm in need of being calm. It is almost magical to watch the interactions among them as we have witnessed them growing together as a family.  There is a strong bond between the four of them that has strengthened as the years go by.  After a nerve racking day, I needed that stability and comfort and found myself with Back Dogs.

It tends to be based more on my needs than the dogs, though I try to keep things as balanced as I can.  I like to try and be fair to everyone.  Some days it is more than a juggling act and difficult to maintain.  As you might imagine!  Some days it is fun and other days it can be very trying, but is worth it.  Every dog is special to us and we continue to learn from them.  Every day with them is a special day.    


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