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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, July 9, 2010

The real beauty of dogs

In this messy, scary world where people will torch you the second you turn your back, my screen saver starts to float from picture to picture of the dogs and I feel the miracle of love envelopes me.  Each picture simple in their nature of unconditional love and their freedom of being loved.  I am surrounded in the miracle of their love.  Their backgrounds all a little different, their personalities each their own, and full of blessings every day.  I can not begin to touch with words the unlimited beauty within each of them that despite all the hectic of the day, the frustrations, all needing my attention at once, I am still speechless at the end of the day.

They have all touched me again in some way, with a jester, a kiss, a unexpected cuddle of affection, always when I need it most.  Some silly antic that brought a smile to my face and made me laugh at how cute and goofy they are.  

A serious look that makes me think I know what they are thinking, though it's probably the other way around.  Those wind up moments when they are literally bouncing in circles, the always frantic rush out the door, and the more insistent paw bang to come in.  Then there are the quiet moments that give me a chance to reflect.  Simple moments in time captured that let me know everything is going to be all right.  Making life bearable again and a little bit easier.  It makes me want to love again a little more each day.


Anonymous said...

...an unexpected cuddle..

Yep, this is just how I remember our dog. I'd be in agony on the floor and this wonderful furry Golden Retriever would come close and lay on top of me. I'd fuss her and then when she'd had enough she'd lay beside me and sleep. While I looked after her my troubles went away. Dogs really are healers to us. They're amazing. I jus love this blog. Mart.

24 Paws of Love said...

Yes, they really are givers. Isn't it amazing how in tune they are with us? Their awareness is so keen and acute to us and our situations. I'm glad she was there for you.