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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Ninja Game

If you really want to play with one of the dogs, Chance is the one.  That boy never gives up on a good old fashion playtime.  This is his favorite toy, it is his second one.  He loves it and when we added the rope...well, he couldn't get enough of it. 

                                                Chance's well worn version

We have a game I like to call our ninja game.  I swing the rope in a martial arts fashion and he jumps and tries to catch it.  Now Chance is very nimble.  I've seen him make incredible leaps, jumps, flips and twist.  I have even seen him do a back flip before.  These events always seem to happen when Daddy isn't home and so I have no photos at this time.  (And it is rather impossible to snap a shot while playing with him, trust me I've tried!  lol)  So your going to have to trust me until I get some photos and video.

When Chance and I connect during this game, the whole world melts away.  No one else exist.  We become rather caught up in our fantasy land and find ourselves clicking in tune with each other.  Blaze will step back, lay down and watch.  She knows this is our time together.  There seems to be a certain magic that surrounds us and all our cares and worries are forgotten.  It becomes more than a game, it becomes an art, with just the right move or twist, we find ourselves centered within each other.  Each of us challenging the other with precision and grace.  It is an awesome experience that engages our senses and spirits in a unique union that I feel the need to bow to him after our performance.

In those moments we relate as one to each other.  How precious it is to find that special tie with a dog. 

Do you have a special game that completely engages you and your dog that unites your bond?


Maggie Mae and Max said...

That game sounds fun. No special game, but my dad and me has a special time of day that is just ours. He takes me out very early (too early for mom) every morning for a long walk and a run in the fields behind our house. I really likes it. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

The Daily Pip said...

I like to play hide and seek with my little (human) sister. She hides and then I go and find her. She laughs so hard when I find her!

Your pal, Pip

24 Paws of Love said...

Sounds like a great walk, Maggie Mae

Silver and I play hide-n-seek too, Pip. We love that game.