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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, June 18, 2018

Brut's roses-Three years later

It has been three years ago today that we buried Brut.

I have no idea what to say after three years of missing him.

This is Brut's rose this spring.

I practically baked it.

I covered it with a plastic barrel over the winter and forget to remove it in the spring.

We had an early spring, so it threw me off guard.

I just wasn't paying attention to the weather.

I thought it was a goner for sure.

Afraid that the rose we buried him with wasn't coming back.

And just as much as I feared the loss, I told my husband, "It'll come back.  It's Brut!"

And he did.

This is today.  In fact Brut's rose is thriving!

It was a long couple of months of not knowing if it would come back.

Or if the rose that was infused with Brut was going to have to be replaced.

And I think that would have been difficult on us.

Three years and counting.

Brut's rose is still going strong.


TimberLove said...

THat's cool the rose is doing well. These anniversaries are hard, we send encouraging woo-wooos,

Nuk & family

Lavinia said...

I know it's a sad time for you, remembering his death, but I am happy the rose you planted for him is doing so well. We send you lots of warm hugs!

Deb said...

All I can think to say is, "YAY!"

Wyatt said...

Roses are tough. I guess that is why they have thorns. Brut is smiling♥