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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Brut: Oct. 11 2006- June 18, 2015

Until we meet again...

Daddy Dog Brut passed away in our arms last Thursday night.  He was laid to rest next to Alex and across from Luigi (our duck).
We made cast of his paw prints and snipped the tip of his tail.
Heaven has a new warrior in town.  :)


SUGAR: Golden Woofs said...

Sending you lots of Golden LOVE. Lots of precious Brut memories and will be remembered forever.

Brian106sc said...

We are so very sorry to hear about dear Brut. We send your lots of hugs and all our love.

The OP Pack said...

We know your hearts are broken, but at least you know that Brut is now in a happy place with no pain and no illness. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us.

Hugs and Woos - Ciara and Lightning and Mom

KB - RompRollRockies said...

May sweet Brut rest in peace, and may your hearts start to find peace. Great big hugs to all of you from all of us.

rottrover said...

Oh...Run Free, Brut! Hugs to the humans.

Ra Husquiberian said...

Soft woooooos,


peacefuleve said...

Oh I'm so sorry. Lots of love to you all. It is devastating to lose them but you know he had the best possible life with you and you gave him a good ending, in your arms where he should be.

fivesibes said...

We are just heartbroken for you and your journey with Brut. Run free, beautiful boy...North of the Rainbow Bridge. You will always be in the hearts of those who love you. You wrapped him in so much love, no one could ask for a more loving, warm send off on their final journey. Sending you all big hugs...

Pamela | Something Wagging said...

It's just going to feel strange not to see Brut here in the future. I know your hearts must be aching. Wishing you many fond memories of your best daddy dog as you try to heal from the pain.

jet said...

It's been a long time since I've visited, what sad news! run free north of the rainbow bridge Brut!

siku marie, the white dog said...

Softest woos of sadness and tears as our friend crosses the Bridge to join our brothers and sisters. Gentle nuzzles of comfort and tender reminders that Brut touched the lives of so many and will live forever in memories and hearts. May you know the peace of lives that have been shared, entwined, completely in love and devotion. He will be waiting.

Lavi Damian-Boja said...

Oh dear... I was hoping he could fight longer, he was a wonderful dog. Sending you our warmest hugs.

Pip said...

I'm so very sorry to hear about Brut. What a beautiful, strong spirit. I know he fought hard to stay with his family. I hope and pray his final journey was peaceful. Sending you lots of love and support during this painful time. Run free, dear Brut

Cookies at Cookies Comments said...

Mum andI are sorry to hear about Brut's trip to the Bridge but know that he will be happy among other family members/blog members who have gone to the bridge. I told mum to send a telepathic message to Cody to be on the lookout for Brut!!
Toodle pip and hugs and nose bumps

Jennifer said...

I'm so very sorry to hear about Brut going to the rainbow bridge. I prayed for him & for you. He truly is, was & will always be an amazing baby boy. May he rest in paradise until you meet again & are reunited. Sending love your way. Truly so sorry 🙏🏻

Joan DeMartin said...

I'm so very sorry about Brut. Sending you hugs and prayers.

Collie222 said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I have been there, three times, and the heartache of losing a beloved best friend is unbearable. Only time, and the love of your remaining dogs will help ease your pain.

Cocos Mommy said...

So sorry to hear this.