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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Thursday, July 17, 2014

We are Socializing!

No, no, not us, the 24 Paws of Love!  We have met a friend who walks her year and a half old pup, Callie, and is willing to brave the 24 Paws of Love, while we walk on the other side of the road.

The first couple of walks I took Fiona as she is the least reactive and the most tolerable with dogs.  Callie was pretty excited to see us.  She loves other dogs.  Fiona didn't pay any attention to her.

So we get about half way around the block and we are on a two track path.  Dogs were walking closer at the point.  Still all is good.

And I'm like, you want to do what?? Sniff me?? I don't think so! 
After the last turn, My friend and I are talking while Fiona and Callie were practically side by side. Next thing we know Callie went to sniff Fiona's nose and Fiona turned and snapped at her muzzle.  I said she was tolerable and her hips were probably sore after such a long walk.  I felt a little bad.  But it was just a warning from Fiona to give her some room.

We went another time with Fiona, on a shorter route and without incident.  So last night I tried Zappa.

Meeting up with my friend and Callie, Zappa went crazy, so did Callie.  Through the first part of the walk Zappa gave warning barks mixed in with playful ones, lunged, jumped on his hind legs, then he'd walk for a while and start acting out again.  Callie, on the other hand was completely ignoring Zappa.  My friend commented that Zappa's expression was a happy one, when we both came to conclusion Zappa didn't know what to do.  He was trying to get a reaction out of Callie and she was indifferent to him.

It took about half of the walk for Zappa to settle down and finally relax into an easy gait and just enjoy the walk.  It was about then his curiosity was getting the better of him and he wonder who this foxy little girl dog was...he kept focused on her for the rest of the walk.  We did no intros, maybe next time when he feels a little more comfortable to start.  I remember this was how we introduce Zappa to Blaze.  Little by little until I felt comfortable they could make contact.

It is a good start leading us into our next frontier.  Stay tuned!  We may surprise you yet!  :)

And I hope to have some pics of our walks together and cute little Callie!

Check out our article in PetUpon emagazine, "Meet the two packs"              


bichonpawz said...

Well..this sounds promising!! Good Luck...and I look forward to seeing pictures!!

How Sam Sees It said...

Yay! I'm glad Callie's owner is willing to work with you - I can't wait to hear about the results!

Monty and Harlow

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Nice! Hope the progress continues!!

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

This kind of practice is so good for reactive dogs! I need to do it more with Fozzie, just the relaxed walks with a buddy and a buddy's dog, giving them space to get used to it and learn positive associations. Great that you have a friend to practice with and are doing it when you can!

Sage said...

It sounds like Callie is the perfect dog for your walks. I hope you continue to have such gratifying success!

White Dog Blog said...

Sounds like the start of something beautiful! We can't wait for the 24 Paws of Love White Dog Army playdate!