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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Friday, July 12, 2013

My day as a dog

My mind was on the brink from the moment I woke up.  As I shuffled around the house with my morning juice, my mind was racing with my "to do's" for the day and I'd barely opened my eyes.  I squeezed my eyes shut in an attempt to turn off the "switch" that would shut down my brain with no success.  I can't take anymore, I thought.  Four weeks of problems with our only vehicle and the last one was a doozy.  My husband accidentally set the truck engine on fire while spilling transmission fluid on the manifold.  $30 a day in gas, just to get to work and back while waiting a week to get the truck into a trustworthy garage.  Things were already tight and this put a huge crimp in the paycheck.  Not to mention the toxic exhaust fumes that were radiating up from the partially open floor board, (oh, did I mention this truck is an almost a rusted out antique?)

In order to keep my sanity about truck/money situation,  I'd been pushing myself around the house to take care of things that I'd let go.  I pushed and pushed until I awoke this morning and found I could push no more and I stared at a brick wall that wasn't going to let me go any further.  I felt totally immobilized.  Hopeless.  Helpless.

Somehow I made my way into the kitchen and to my salvation dogs, the Front dog's bed, Chance and Blaze on my heels.  As I laid down in exhaustion, Chance plopped right next to me so I could hold him.  Our usual pattern with Blaze taking her place at my legs.  Surrounded by their protective love I took a dog nap that started the course of my day.  My day as a dog.

When they napped in the sun, I did too.  When it was time to eat, we ate together.  When they cuddled
together, I cuddled with them.  When it was walk time, walked.  And when I wanted to read for a while, I read out loud to them.  Something I learned from a program at the local library that is called "Paws for Reading."  Children read to a dog that is brought in, where they learn to read and build their confidence reading out loud.  I had an entire audience right in my own home.  Although Chance must not have cared for the book too much as he left when I started reading.  The book was about three sisters. " Too much girl talk!" He grumbled and left Blaze and I to indulge ourselves.

There's something to be said about being a dog for day.  It was just what I needed to calm my weary mind and slow down the negativity that I'd felt bombarded by.  It made it so easy to forget all the things I couldn't do and share in something I could.  We all dream of being a dog for a day...why not just do it?        

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