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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, January 28, 2013

Come take a sled dog ride!

As promised we have video and we thought you might like to join us for a sled ride, so my wonderful husband mounted our camcorder on the sled to experience sledding from the musher's perspective.  The video is 10 minutes long and completes a training run.  We have Silver and Zappa who are both still learning, but are doing great.  It's a process for all of us.  They were both enthusiastic to go, but I found on the ride that I was doing more running than usual, hence the heavy breathing.  Today was more of a relaxed ride, than a driven one.  As I mentioned in my last post I wanted to work on Silver doing U-turns while in motion.  Each time I tried, the dogs stopped and got completely tangled.  But she did great for a first time and I know she will get it eventually.

We never did make it to the dog sled races.  After the frigid week we had and finally a chance to actually be outside hubby and I decided if we were going to freeze our butts off, we were going to spend it sledding our dogs.  And we did just that!  

So hop on the sled and let's go for a dog sled ride!

(also on YouTube)

Cool, isn't it??  :)


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! What a workout. The uturns can be scary. They seem to have different strength but it was FUN to watch. Yes it is COOL! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

Happy tails. Have a marvelous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Boss Mare Eventing said...

What fun! Good for you guys getting out in that cold!

Collie222 said...

That was very interesting! They don't seem to have very thick coats, do they get cold? And do you ever hook up more than two dogs to the sled?

24 Paws of Love said...

re: Both dogs are part Husky and have thicker undercoats. We only sled them between 20-28F because they do have sensitive paws that freeze up any colder than that.

Right now I'm practicing with just two dogs for training. More dogs, more problems. Since we are in the beginning stages of learning it's easier to train with least amount of dogs.

24 Paws of Love said...

re: Sugar-Yes, they do have different strengths. Silver is older and still learning to pull, but keeps Zappa moving along when he would normally give up. I matched them by personality and compatibility just to help them learn together.

What do you mean that the U-turns are scary? Just curious.

houndstooth said...

*grin* What a great idea for a post! It sounds like you got a lot more of a workout than they did! They look like they're having a fantastic time!

White Dog Blog said...

It is awesome to see the training process in action. They seem so focused and joyful...and even if they still have fine points to master, we think they show great promise. As for me, I think I would do best IN the sled with nice blankets tucked around me...like a Russian Princess.

Unknown said...

.,woof woof., i bet that was a great day to both of you guys... great to see you training., Keep it up..

Stay Safe and Warm,
Heated Dog Bed

How Sam Sees It said...

How fun!
