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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

Brut Quote

Brut Quote

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Memories-The Brut Beginning

Monday Memories-our little trip down memory lane.
This week I'm going to share some of my experiences about Brut and what is considered his aggression.
Today we are starting at the beginning and what happened from the moment we picked Brut out at 4 weeks old.  This is how Brut's life started.

 Has anyone seen my mommy?

To understand Brut, you have to go back to the beginning.  At four weeks old Brut and his siblings were taken from their mother and brought in to live with aggressive adult dogs in an environment that generate a constant state of survival.  This was how he learned his social skills and the discipline that was suppose to taught by his mother as he learned how to be a dog.  Instead of playing with his brothers and sisters to learn the ropes of what was acceptable dog behaviors between dogs, Brut was warding them off in protection for his food, toys and life.  Instead of a nurturing, loving environment where he was free to express and be properly corrected, Brut lived with the hostile mentality of 'every dog for themselves.'  At a time in his life when Brut should have been able to explore in innocence, he lived in the utmost fear and instinctively imitated what he saw from the other dogs in order to get through the day. At an age when he wasn't emotionally, nor mentally ready to cope.  All the while dealing with the abandonment from his mother who wasn't there to protect him and he had to learn far too early to do so himself.

 Ready to defend!!

When our litter reached that glorious four week old mark, I remembering looking at 10 bundles of innocence, full of trusting dependence on their mother and us and everything just clicked.  I finally had a grasp on why Brut was the way he was as all of the pieces of the puzzle came together. His physical size, how young he really was at that time, and his mental and emotional development stunted in fear. That was the age Brut was stripped of everything safe that he knew in his life, including his birth place.  And all of that fear was internalized into the external version of aggression.  He was taught that every dog is a threat because they wanted to take something from him, hence the fierce possessiveness of a puppy who had to fight for everything he had.  

We witnessed first hand the environment that Brut grew up in on more than one occasion.  I lived with the damage that was done on such a impressionable mind from the time we brought him home.  I saw the vast difference when our ten puppies reached that prime age of four weeks old and I have broke into many tears over that frightened little boy who fended for his life with the only tools he had just to be here.

That boy is one tough cookie!
 I finally made it.  HOME.
*4-12 weeks old in a puppies life are when the crucial bonding and social skills are built.  It is when a dog learns how to be dog.*

I hope you will join me for my next post where I will share my personal experience and observations about Brut and what is called his dog aggression.   


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh yes, critical weeks - those early ones. Pups learn so much from their littermates and their mom. Our human sister once had a gorgeous beagle who was taken from his mother at about the same age. The breeder told her he was 8 weeks old when she got him but the vet said he was barely five weeks old. Despite many efforts to socialize him with the rest of our family dogs, he turned out to be a fearful dog who eventually became a biter:( So sad.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Unknown said...

I agree those first few weeks are so important for a dog, people dont really think about it but its what they need to learn from their mom and siblings. thank you for sharing his story.

Nancy K. said...

Poor Brut! It's so sad that he had such a bad thing happen. We dogs definitely need to be with our Moms for a lot longer than four weeks! Brut must have been so scared and confused.

Do you know why the pups were taken from their Mom? Was it one of those scary 'puppy mill' places?

I'm glad that Brut ended up with you. He's gonna need someone that understands him and loves him no matter what!

Hang in their Brut!



Unknown said...

Those times are crucial in a pups life. Could you follow my blog,as I have yours? Thanks!

Bassetmomma said...

The first few weeks and even months are the most important in a pups life. Brut has come such a long way with your help and understanding. He sure was an adorable puppy!

White Dog Blog said...

Brut, like us all, has to play the hand he was dealt no matter how bad. Your boy is so incredibly perfect in your nurturing care where since those days he has received tenderness and support and love! He is one amazingly resilient pup made all the better for your commitment, time and heart.

Linda said...

I agree with the OP Pack and Hound Girl. Those first 3 months are so important for a pup. Taking them away at 4 weeks is hard on both pup and mom. When you realize how young Brut was and the environment he was in, that does tell you a lot.

Yas said...

Aww look at that cute nose and face!!!
Cant wait for your next post!
Thanks for sharing this with us.

Maxx and mommy

Emily said...

Brut was a very darling little pup! I knew that you worked hard with Brut to manage his different issues but I had never even thought about where it started. Very interesting, and it all makes a lot of sense.
Also, don't worry about what you said about Madden! I thought your comment was sweet. Even though we miss her (she was our first foster, after all, and lived with us a long time,) we are overjoyed that she has found a family. She has the three things we wanted for her: a sibling, a pool, and most importantly two parents who totally understand she isn't the perfect dog and are willing to work with her and love her through it all.