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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Special Thank You

My husband and I have come across much negativity about love and devotion to our dogs.  We are always surprised by how much there is, even from dog lovers.  Whether it is random strangers or people we have known, they just do not seem to understand and for some reason feel the need to let us know.

When my husband started coming up with the idea for this blog, I was very skeptical.  Who in the world would want to read about our dogs?  I didn't know if I was ready for all the negative feedback that I was certain we would get, but decided to give it a go anyways and wrote our first post.

The response we got was overwhelming.  There were actually others who were crazy in love with their dogs and were just as whacky about their canine companions as we were.  The support and encouragement were phenomenal and we completely fell in love with the our new community of dog blogging.

We have shared in the fun and laughter, as well as the tears and pain of your dog's lives and we couldn't be enjoying ourselves more.  You have helped us combat the cut downs and criticism that we have been up against while bringing our dog's lives into your home.  We can not begin to thank you for being part of our lives and sharing your stories with us.  We would just like to tell you how we appreciate your blogs and what they have done for us.  We would like to express our gratitude for helping to change our lives.

We at 24 Paws of Love would like to thank you for being the great dog blogging community that you are.  A special thanks for everyone who has visited our little corner of the web and taking us in.  For all of you that are crazy enough to blog about your dog, Thank you.  You have made this such a great place to be!

**And a special thank you for those that posted on yesterday's post, Confessions, thank you for your support and encouragement.  We really needed to hear your kind words.**  

And now join us and all the other pet lovers for the Saturday Blog Hop.  Hosted by Life with Dogs, Two Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume.


Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

You've done it again:) A lovely post putting into words how I feel anyway about blogs, blogging and bloggers:) Thank YOU!

Lavinia said...

I read the post before too and I understand that at first you were afraid of others' misconceptions of "how to take care of dogs". I'm happy you stopped blaming yourself for how things are with your packs and about some people turning their noses. I'm sure I should feel bad that my dog pulls on the leash and other people's dogs walk off leash, but we're making small progress.

You're doing a great job and don't forget there are people out there who will agree with you, not judge you.

Emily in Wonderland said...

Grrr!! I am so frustrated! I am having problems with linking! Trying to pull pictures off my blog it's not showing anything but my signatures instead of my pictures so I pasted in a link to a search to the posts about Charlie to make sure I got a good picture, (JUST on the picture page, not on the link page, and it even says, if you need to go to another page to get a picture... ARGH!) and then on the link page it's linking to my search terms instead of my blog! ARGH!!!!!!!! I am going to scream. I am having a seriously bad week and not being able to do something as simple and post a blog link is going to put me over the edge. You should put me out with your dogs. Maybe they could teach me some manners!

And you know, I have had people at the dog park hassling me to put a shock collar on Charlie because he pulls and barks and gets really excited coming into the park (he's quiet as a mouse on the way out). It's really frustrating. I hear you, completely and so glad you can get validation from this blog!

Talking-Dogs said...

Stopping by on the blog hop and so glad I did. What a lovely post! Count me in as one of those crazy dog lovers who certainly enjoys hearing about your dogs!

Cheryl and Kirby said...

I too was a little concerned about telling people that I blog about my dog. But I have rec'd so much advice and support from other blogging doggies that it has been worth it. To be able to read about someone going through the same stuggles and what they did to try and help thier dog is such a tremondous help to me. I just love dog people!!!

Kirby's mom

Kristine said...

I am so sorry you have had to deal with negativity, especially in the dog-loving world. I have encountered so much warmth and kindness, it hurts to know that isn't always the case. The world can be so harsh sometimes. It was amazing to me that the pet blogging community is separate from all that pettiness. It's all about sharing the joy and passing on support. It makes me sad that perhaps that isn't always the case.

But know that there are much more people cheering you on than there are trying to push you down. It's difficult, believe me I know, to ignore the one small negative voice within the hundred positive ones, but that really is the case here I am sure.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Please don't let the downers take away from the very special things you do here.

Cherie K. Miller said...

Thanks for sharing your heart!

I'm dropping by the pet blog hop today - stop by to see the gorilla at the Calgary Zoo enjoying a little fun: http://www.pet-peeves.org/2011/06/25/calgary-zoos-breakdancing-gorilla/

Please leave a comment back today - I'd appreciate it!

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

PS, we're passing on an Inspirational Award to you all. You do inspire me with your wonderful posts and I think it's well deserved.

Pamela said...

Leo from the blog Kenzo the Hovawart once said that when he talked to other people about his dog Viva they told him he should euthanize her. After all, she's onlya dog.

But in writing his blog, he gets support from people who really understand.

You're certainly not the only one who feels the way you do about the community of dog lovers. Thank you for being such a pillar yourself.

Yas said...

True true! Your blog has been inspirational for mommy and me! We are so lucky to be part of this great circle of furiends!

Maxx and family

Sage said...

Like Levi, I too went back to the previous post to catch up. I agree that some people just don't understand. I have a friend that said "why don't you just put Toby down". I actually feel a bit sorry for someone that has no empathy towards our special furiends.

So, keep up the good work! You have all our support!!

houndstooth said...

I admit to feeling the same way you did when I started writing the blog. I didn't think anybody would care a whit about reading it! But I've met some really wonderful people online through the blog and I love that about it!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Mom and me LUVS comin' here and we LUVS all of you!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

House of Carnivores said...

I know exactly what you mean. The blogging community has helped validate my love for my animals, and I don't feel quite so "weird" even when people in my day-to-day life clearly think that I am. I'm grateful for the friends that I've made through my blog, and they've helped me through good times and bad.

Anonymous said...

So glad you all are part of this wonderful place called Blogville! :D

Mom and I thoroughly enjoy reading about each of your paws :)

Waggin at ya,

Pup Fan said...

This blogging community really is the best... I always enjoy reading your posts and you rock!

puppies for love said...

a million thanks to you too! been reading your blog for quite sometime now... and i really enjoy reading it as i also relate myself to some of your experiences as a dog lover... By regularly visiting your blog, i learn how to love my puppies more...