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Current blog look inspired by and dedicated to Chance, Blaze, Fiona and Zappa who all kicked ass against cancer and liver disease.

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Brut Quote

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Scooby Doobie Doo

Are you ready Mom?  (wink, wink)

Ever have one of those days when you leash your dog for a walk and they burst out the door making you feel like a cartoon character bouncing behind them?  This is how Chance and I started our walk, with his bounding action that left me flailing behind him.  In between catching my breath I couldn't sustain my laughter at how I must look like Shaggy trying to keep up with my white Scooby Doo.

He always has this silly, sly grin that looks back at me and says, "You wanted to go for a walk, we are going for a walk. Chance style."  He keeps me reeling between the giggles and trying to keep up, until I've got to turn him around so he can take it down a notch and I can catch my breath.  I have no idea how our "walks" turned into pulling game, but I love the freedom of letting him take the wheel.

With his smooth gait in constant motion, we continually negotiate on the pace.  In tune and in love we stay in sync with each other as we seem to glide over the snow covered road.  The dusk sky softly glows overhead as the snowflakes swirl around us.  Chance throws me a smile that says, "You know you love it."  I nod back.   I love everything about our walks with my special Scooby Doo.   



Elaine Pritchard said...

I do that sometimes.....if I see a cat on our walks.

The Lady Of The House stands no chance as 28kg of pure greyhound muscle drags her almost off her feet.

Most of the time I'm very calm though and walk nicely.

Love and licks Winnie

Unknown said...

And what a SCooby Doo!

With that look in his ADORABLE eyes, he can just pull you to the end of the world and u wouldn't have the heart to complain:)

To plenty more GREAT walkies,
wags, Buddy n Ginger n Shadow

Unknown said...

LOL! Chance reminded me that my Laura girl who used to do that to us. Once we were outside, she would decide where she wanted to go for that particular morning. If we didn't listen to it, she would just stood there and staring at us until we gave in. We usually gave in!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Now there is a video we would love to see. Phantom has always been a puller, but Chance likes he has taken the pull to a new level:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful snow flurry walkie time :)

Good ol' Chance. That a boy! Keep Mom smilin and gigglin :)

Waggin at ya,

jen said...

Hehehehe. I know what you mean, and this totally put a smile on face picturing you bounce out the door like a cartoon character.

Thank you for the tips on Leroy. He has been battling an ear infection that we have just now gotten under control, so I was thinking that may be contributing to his laziness also.

houndstooth said...

Isn't it funny how certain dogs just have the ability to do things that endear them to us, even though it would bug the daylights out of us if others did it? I love his happy go lucky smile and attitude!

Noah said...

I agree, thats a video we would like to see. He does have an adorable look about him.

Unknown said...

BOL. oh my dear sweet Fred does this to me about 3 times a week. ha.

Wyatt said...

With us, it's more like water skiing :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

The Daily Pip said...

Well, my walks aren't quite so exciting or long. I am pretty sure I wouldn't be able to keep up with Chance!

Your pal, Pip